

The Mathlib computability library has theorems stating that Gödel codes of partial computable maps exist, but has no way of actually constructing them, because Nat.Partrec maps into Prop, evan though the proofs all seem to be explicit enough that the codes could be extracted.

 Consequently and unfortunately, we construct the first Kleene algebra in
 a non-computable manner.
def FirstKleeneAlgebra.Partrec₃ {α β γ σ : Type} [Primcodable α] [Primcodable β] [Primcodable γ] [Primcodable σ] (f : αβγ →. σ) :

Partially recursive partial functions α → β → σ between Primcodable types

Instances For
    theorem FirstKleeneAlgebra.S_exists :
    ∃ (s : ), ∀ (u v w : Part ), u v w Part.some s u v w = u w (v w)
    noncomputable instance FirstKleeneAlgebra.isPCA :
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.