- instReprOrdering_mathlib = { reprPrec := reprOrdering✝ }
Alias of Ordering.then
If o₁
and o₂
are Ordering
, then o₁.then o₂
returns o₁
unless it is .eq
in which case it returns o₂
. Additionally, it has "short-circuiting" semantics similar to
boolean x && y
: if o₁
is not .eq
then the expression for o₂
is not evaluated.
This is a useful primitive for constructing lexicographic comparator functions:
structure Person where
name : String
age : Nat
instance : Ord Person where
compare a b := (compare a.name b.name).then (compare b.age a.age)
This example will sort people first by name (in ascending order) and will sort people with
the same name by age (in descending order). (If all fields are sorted ascending and in the same
order as they are listed in the structure, you can also use deriving Ord
on the structure
definition for the same effect.)
Compares o a b
means that a
and b
have the ordering relation o
between them, assuming
that the relation a < b
is defined.
- Ordering.lt.Compares x✝ x = (x✝ < x)
- Ordering.eq.Compares x✝ x = (x✝ = x)
- Ordering.gt.Compares x✝ x = (x✝ > x)
Alias of Ordering.Compares
Compares o a b
means that a
and b
have the ordering relation o
between them, assuming
that the relation a < b
is defined.
Lift a decidable relation to an Ordering
assuming that incomparable terms are Ordering.eq
- cmpUsing lt a b = if lt a b then Ordering.lt else if lt b a then Ordering.gt else Ordering.eq