A widget module is a unit of source code that can execute in the infoview.
Every module definition must either be annotated with @[widget_module]
or use a value of javascript
identical to that of another definition
annotated with @[widget_module]
This makes it possible for the infoview to load the module.
See the manual entry for more information on how to use the widgets system.
- javascript : String
A JS module intended for use in user widgets.
The JS environment in which modules execute provides a fixed set of libraries accessible via direct
, notably@leanprover/infoview
.To initialize this field from an external JS file, you may use
include_str "path"/"to"/"file.js"
. However beware that this does not register a dependency with Lake, so your Lean module will not automatically be rebuilt when the.js
file changes. The hash is cached to avoid recomputing it whenever the
is used.
Instances For
Storage of widget modules #
- toModule : α → Lean.Widget.Module
- Lean.Widget.addBuiltinModule id m = ST.Ref.modify Lean.Widget.builtinModulesRef✝ fun (x : Lean.RBMap UInt64 (Lean.Name × Lean.Widget.Module) compare) => x.insert m.javascriptHash.val (id, m)
Registers a widget module. Its type must implement Lean.Widget.ToModule
Retrieval of widget modules #
- hash : UInt64
Hash of the JS module to retrieve.
- pos : Lean.Lsp.Position
- sourcetext : String
Sourcetext of the JS module to run.
- Lean.Widget.instInhabitedWidgetSource = { default := { sourcetext := default } }
- Lean.Widget.instFromJsonWidgetSource = { fromJson? := Lean.Widget.fromJsonWidgetSource✝ }
Storage of panel widget instances #
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Construct a widget instance by finding a widget module in the current environment.
must be hash (toModule c).javascript
where c
is some global constant annotated with @[widget_module]
or the name of a builtin widget module.
Save the data of a panel widget which will be displayed whenever the text cursor is on stx
must be as in WidgetInstance.ofHash
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
command #
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Use show_panel_widgets [<widget>]
to mark that <widget>
should always be displayed, including in downstream modules.
The type of <widget>
must implement Widget.ToModule
and the type of <props>
must implement Server.RpcEncodable
In particular, <props> : Json
Use show_panel_widgets [<widget> with <props>]
to specify the <props>
that the widget should be given
as arguments.
Use show_panel_widgets [local <widget> (with <props>)?]
to mark it
for display in the current section, namespace, or file only.
Use show_panel_widgets [scoped <widget> (with <props>)?]
to mark it
for display only when the current namespace is open.
Use show_panel_widgets [-<widget>]
to temporarily hide a previously shown widget
in the current section, namespace, or file.
Note that persistent erasure is not possible, i.e.,
has no effect on downstream modules.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
command #
Use #widget <widget>
to display a panel widget,
and #widget <widget> with <props>
to display it with the given props.
Useful for debugging widgets.
The type of <widget>
must implement Widget.ToModule
and the type of <props>
must implement Server.RpcEncodable
In particular, <props> : Json
- Lean.Widget.widgetCmd = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Lean.Widget.widgetCmd 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "#widget ") Lean.Widget.widgetInstanceSpec)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Deprecated definitions #
Use this structure and the @[widget]
attribute to define your own widgets.
def rubiks : UserWidgetDefinition :=
{ name := "Rubiks cube app"
javascript := include_str ...
- Lean.Widget.instInhabitedUserWidgetDefinition = { default := { name := default, javascript := default } }
Retrieving panel widget instances #
Retrieve all the UserWidgetInfo
s that intersect a given line.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- range? : Option Lean.Lsp.Range
The syntactic span in the Lean file at which the panel widget is displayed.
When present, the infoview will wrap the widget in
. This functionality is deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility withUserWidgetDefinition
Instances For
Get the panel widgets present around a particular position.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.