

The delaborator is the first stage of the pretty printer, and the inverse of the elaborator: it turns fully elaborated Expr core terms back into surface-level Syntax, omitting some implicit information again and using higher-level syntax abstractions like notations where possible. The exact behavior can be customized using pretty printer options; activating pp.all should guarantee that the delaborator is injective and that re-elaborating the resulting Syntax round-trips.

Pretty printer options can be given not only for the whole term, but also specific subterms. This is used both when automatically refining pp options until round-trip and when interactively selecting pp options for a subterm (both TBD). The association of options to subterms is done by assigning a unique, synthetic Nat position to each subterm derived from its position in the full term. This position is added to the corresponding Syntax object so that elaboration errors and interactions with the pretty printer output can be traced back to the subterm.

The delaborator is extensible via the [delab] attribute.

@[instance 100]
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Evaluate option accessor, using subterm-specific options if set.

Set the given option at the current position and execute x in this context.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Annotates the term with the current expression position and registers TermInfo to associate the term to the current expression.

Modifies the delaborator so that it annotates the resulting term with the current expression position and registers TermInfo to associate the term to the current expression.

Gets an name based on suggestion that is unused in the local context. Erases macro scopes. If pp.safeShadowing is true, then the name is allowed to shadow a name in the local context if the name does not appear in body.

If preserveName is false, then returns the name, possibly with fresh macro scopes added. If suggestion has macro scopes then the result does as well.

Creates an identifier that is annotated with the term e, using a fresh position using the HoleIterator.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Enters the body of the current expression, which must be a lambda or forall. The binding variable is passed to d as Syntax, and it is an identifier that has been annotated with the fvar expression for the variable.

If preserveName is false (the default), gives the binder an unused name. Otherwise, it tries to preserve the textual form of the name, preserving whether it is hygienic.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Runs the delaborator act with increased depth. The depth is used when pp.deepTerms is false to determine what is a deep term. See also Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Context.depth.

Returns true if e is a "shallow" expression. Local variables, constants, and other atomic expressions are always shallow. In general, an expression is considered to be shallow if its depth is at most threshold.

Since the implementation uses Lean.Expr.approxDepth, the threshold is clamped to [0, 254].


Returns true if, at the current depth, we should omit the term and use rather than delaborating it. This function can only return true if pp.deepTerms is set to false. It also contains a heuristic to allow "shallow terms" to be delaborated, even if they appear deep in an expression, which prevents terms such as atomic expressions or OfNat.ofNat literals from being delaborated as .

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Returns true if the given expression is a proof and should be omitted. This function only returns true if pp.proofs is set to false.

"Shallow" proofs are not omitted. The pp.proofs.threshold option controls the depth threshold for what constitutes a shallow proof. See Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.isShallowExpression.

Delaborates the current expression as and attaches Elab.OmissionInfo, which influences how the subterm omitted by is delaborated when hovered over.

"Delaborate" the given term into surface-level syntax using the default and given subterm-specific options.
