LSP uses UTF-16 for indexing, so we need to provide some primitives to interact with Lean strings using UTF-16 indices.
- s.utf16Length = String.foldr (fun (c : Char) (acc : Nat) => String.csize16✝ c + acc) 0 s
Computes the UTF-16 offset of the n
-th Unicode codepoint
in the substring of s
starting at UTF-8 offset off
Yes, this is actually useful.
- s.codepointPosToUtf16PosFrom n off = String.codepointPosToUtf16PosFromAux✝ s n off 0
Computes the position of the Unicode codepoint at UTF-16 offset
in the substring of s
starting at UTF-8 offset off
- s.utf16PosToCodepointPosFrom utf16pos off = String.utf16PosToCodepointPosFromAux✝ s utf16pos off 0
Starting at utf8pos
, finds the UTF-8 offset of the p
-th codepoint.
Computes an UTF-8 offset into text.source
from an LSP-style 0-indexed (ln, col) position.
- text.utf8PosToLspPos pos = text.leanPosToLspPos (text.toPosition pos)
Gets the LSP range from a String.Range
Convert the Lean DeclarationRange
to an LSP Range
by turning the 1-indexed line numbering into a
0-indexed line numbering and converting the character offset within the line to a UTF-16 indexed