Partial Combinatory Algebras

Andrej Bauer

We outline a plan of formalization for partial combinatory algebras (PCA), including combinatory completeness, programming with PCAs, and some examples of PCAs. Time permitting, we will formalize the typed version as well.

This blueprint, and more generally the partial-combinatory-algebras Lean project, is part of the teaching materials for the course Formalized mathematics and proof assistants. It serves as a model blueprint to help students create their own class project blueprints.

1 Basic definitions

The set of partial elements \(\widetilde{A}\) in \(A\) is

\begin{equation*} \widetilde{A} = \{ u \subseteq A \mid \forall x, y \in u.\, x = y\} . \end{equation*}

We think of \(\emptyset \) as the undefined value and \(\{ a\} \) the defined, or total value \(a \in A\). We construe each \(a \in A\) also as the element \(\{ a\} \in \widetilde{A}\), i.e., there is an implicit coercion \(A \to \widetilde{A}\).

Given \(u \in \widetilde{A}\), write \(u\, {\Downarrow }\) to mean that \(u\) is defined, i.e., \(\exists a \in A.\, a \in u\).

Initial experimentation with formalization shows that it is advantageous to work with partial elements rather than elements, as that avoids coercions and helps the rpoof assistant compute types. When a partial element should be total this is expressed as a separate claim.

Definition 1.1

A partial application on a set \(A\) is a map \({-} \cdot _A {-} : \widetilde{A} \times \widetilde{A} \to \widetilde{A}\).

We also write \(u \, v\) and \(u \cdot v\) in place of \(u \cdot _A v\) and we associate application to the left, so that \(u \cdot v \cdot w = (u \cdot v) \cdot w\).

The preceding defintion is non-standard, as one usually expects \({-} \cdot _A {-} : A \times A \to \widetilde{A}\). However, as explained above, we prefer our definition as it is easier to work with. You might also have expected strictness conditions stating that \(u \cdot _A v\, {\Downarrow }\) implies \(u\, {\Downarrow }\) and \(v\, {\Downarrow }\), which we did have in the initial formalization, but they were never used. It looks like our formalization already lead to a small discovery, namely that partial combinatory algebras work just as well when its elements can be applied to undefined values.

Definition 1.2

A set \(A\) with a partial map \({-} \cdot _A {-}\) is a partial combinatory algebra (PCA) if there are elements \(\mathsf{K}, \mathsf{S}\in \widetilde{A}\) such that, for all \(u, v, w \in \widetilde{A}\):

\begin{align*} & K\, {\Downarrow }, & & S\, {\Downarrow },\\ & u\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{K}\, u\, {\Downarrow }, & & u\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{S}\, u\, {\Downarrow }, \\ & u\, {\Downarrow } \land v\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{K}\, u \, v\, {\Downarrow }, & & u\, {\Downarrow } \land v\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{S}\, u \, v\, {\Downarrow }, \\ & u\, {\Downarrow } \land v\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{K}\, u \, v = u, & & u\, {\Downarrow } \land v\, {\Downarrow } \land w\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{S}\, u \, v \, w\, {\Downarrow }, \\ & & & u\, {\Downarrow } \land v\, {\Downarrow } \land w\, {\Downarrow } \Rightarrow \mathsf{S}\, u \, v \, w = (u \, w) \, (v \, w), \\ \end{align*}

2 Combinatory completeness

Definition 2.1

Given a set \(\Gamma \) of variables and a set \(A\) of elements, the expressions \(\mathsf{Expr}\, \Gamma \, A\) are generated inductively by the following clauses:

  • the constants \(\mathtt{K}\) and \(\mathtt{S}\) are expressions,

  • an element \(a \in A\) is an expression,

  • a variable \(x \in \Gamma \) is an expression,

  • if \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are expressions then \(e_1 \cdot e_2\) is an expression.

The application \(e_1 \cdot e_2\) in the third clause of the definition is formal, i.e., it is just a constructor of an inductive datatype. We again deviated from the standard definition in an inessential way by including primitive constants \(\mathsf{K}\) and \(\mathsf{S}\), separate from the corresponding elements of \(A\).

Given a set of variables \(\Gamma \) and a set \(A\), a valuation is a map \(\eta : \Gamma \to A\) which assigns elements to variables.

Definition 2.2

Given a valuation \(\eta : \Gamma \to A\), \(x \in A\) and \(a \in a\), we may override \(\eta \) to get a valuation \(\eta [x \mapsto a] : \Gamma \to A\) such that

\begin{equation*} (\eta [x \mapsto a]) y = \begin{cases} \eta (y) & \text{if $y \in \Gamma $,}\\ a & \text{if $y = x$.} \end{cases}\end{equation*}
Definition 2.3

The evaluation \([\! [ e ]\! ] \, \eta \) of an expression \(e \in \mathsf{Expr}\, \Gamma \, A\) in a PCA \(A\) at a valuation \(\eta : \Gamma \to A\) is defined recursively by the clauses

\begin{align*} [\! [ \mathsf{K} ]\! ] \, \eta & = \mathsf{K}\\ [\! [ \mathsf{S} ]\! ] \, \eta & = \mathsf{K}\\ [\! [ a ]\! ] \, \eta & = a & & \text{if $a \in A$}\\ [\! [ x ]\! ] \, \eta & = \eta (x) & & \text{if $x \in \Gamma $}\\ [\! [ e_1 \cdot e_2 ]\! ] \, \eta & = ([\! [ e_1 ]\! ] \, \eta ) \cdot _A ([\! [ e_2 ]\! ] \, \eta ). \end{align*}
Definition 2.4

An expression \(e \in \mathsf{Expr}\, \Gamma \, A\) is defined when \([\! [ e ]\! ] \, \eta \, {\Downarrow }\) for all \(\eta : \Gamma \to A\).

Definition 2.5

The abstraction of an expression \(e \in \mathsf{Expr}\, \Gamma \, A\) with respect to a variable \(x \in \Gamma \) is the expression \(\langle x \rangle \, e \in \mathsf{Expr}\, \Gamma \, A\) defined recursively by

\begin{align*} \langle x \rangle \, x & = \mathsf{S}\cdot \mathsf{K}\cdot \mathsf{K}, \\ \langle x \rangle \, y & = \mathsf{K}\cdot y & & \text{if $x \neq y \in \Gamma $}, \\ \langle x \rangle \, a & = \mathsf{K}\cdot a & & \text{if $a \in A$}, \\ \langle x \rangle \, (e_1 \cdot e_2) & = \mathsf{S}\cdot (\langle x \rangle \, e_1) \cdot (\langle x \rangle \, e_2). \end{align*}
Proposition 2.6

An abstraction \(\langle x \rangle \, e\) is defined.


By straightforward structural induction on \(e\).

Proposition 2.7

Let \(x \in \Gamma \) and \(e \in \mathsf{Expr}\, (\Gamma \cup \{ x\} )\, A\). Then for every \(a \in A\) and \(\eta : \Gamma \to A\)

\begin{equation*} [\! [ (\langle x \rangle \, e) \cdot a ]\! ] \, \eta = [\! [ e ]\! ] \, \eta [x \mapsto a]. \end{equation*}

By straightforward structural induction on \(e\).

3 Programming with PCAs

We next show how to write programs in a PCA \(A\). We call the elements of \(A\) accomplishing various programming tasks combinators.

Definition 3.1 Identity

There is the identity combinator \(\mathsf{I} \in A\) such that \(I \, a = a\) for all \(a \in A\).

Definition 3.2 Pairing

There are combinators \(\mathsf{pair}, \mathsf{fst}, \mathsf{snd} \in A\) such that, for all \(a, b \in A\),

\begin{align*} \mathsf{fst}\, (\mathsf{pair}\, a\, b) & = a, & \mathsf{snd}\, (\mathsf{pair}\, a\, b) & = b. \end{align*}
Definition 3.3 Booleans

There are combinators \(\mathsf{ite} \, \mathsf{fal}, \mathsf{tru} \in A\) such that, for all \(a, b \in a\),

\begin{equation*} \mathsf{ite} \, \mathsf{tru} \ ,a \, b = a \text{and} \mathsf{ite} \, \mathsf{fal} \, a \, b = b. \end{equation*}
Definition 3.4 Numerals

For each \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) there is \(\overline{n} \in A\), as well as combinators \(\mathsf{succ}, \mathsf{primrec} \in A\) such that, for all \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(a, f \in A\),

\begin{align*} \mathsf{succ} \, \overline{n} & = \overline{n+1}, \\ \mathsf{primrec} \, a \, f \, \overline{0} & = a, \\ \mathsf{primrec} \, a \, f \, \overline{n+1} & = f \, \overline{n} \, (\mathsf{primrec} \, a \, f \, \overline{n}). \end{align*}
Definition 3.5

There is a combinator \(\mathsf{Y} \in A\) such that, for all \(a \in A\),

\begin{equation*} \mathsf{Y} \, a = a (\mathsf{Z} \, a). \end{equation*}
Definition 3.6 General recursion

There is a combinator \(\mathsf{Z} \in A\) such that, for all \(f, a \in A\),

\begin{equation*} \mathsf{Z} \, f\, {\Downarrow }, \qquad \text{and}\qquad \mathsf{Z} \, f \, a = f (\mathsf{Z} \, f) \, a. \end{equation*}
Definition 3.7

A partial map \(f : A \rightharpoonup A\) is represented by \(a \in A\) when, for all \(b \in B\), \(f(b) = a \cdot b\).

Theorem 3.8

Every general recursive map \(f : \mathbb {N}\rightharpoonup \mathbb {N}\) is represented in the following sense: there is \(a \in A\) such that, for all \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), if \(f(n)\, {\Downarrow }\) then \(\overline{f(n)} = a \cdot \overline{n}\).

4 (Total) combinatory algebras

Definition 4.1

A (total) combinatory algebra (CA) is given by a carrier set \(A\) and a total binary operation \({-} \cdot {-} : A \times A \to A\), such that there are \(\mathsf{K}, \mathsf{S}\) satisfying the characteristic equations

\begin{equation*} \mathsf{K}\cdot x \cdot y = x \qquad \text{and}\qquad \mathsf{S}\cdot x \cdot y \cdot z = (x \cdot z) \cdot (y \cdot z). \end{equation*}
Proposition 4.2

Every combinatory algebra is a partial combinatory algebra.


Simply reuse the total application as the partial one.

5 Examples of PCAs

5.1 Free combinatory algebra

Definition 5.1

The free combinatory algebra is generated freely by the symbols \(\mathsf{K}\) and \(\mathsf{S}\) and formal binary application, quotiented by provable equality.

5.2 The graph model

Definition 5.2

A listing on a set \(A\) is a section \(\mathsf{fromList} : \mathsf{List}\, A \to A\) and a retraction \(\mathsf{toList} : A \to \mathsf{List}\, A\).

Suppose \(A\) is a set with a listing. It induces a pairing on \(A\): \(\langle x, y \rangle = \mathsf{fromList}\, [x,y]\) with corresponding projections. Each \(x \in A\) may be seen as a finite subset of \(A\),

\begin{equation*} \mathsf{toSet}\, x = \{ y \mid y \in \mathsf{toList}\, x\} . \end{equation*}
Definition 5.3

The application \({-} \cdot {-} : \mathcal{P}\, A \times \mathcal{P}\, A \to \mathcal{P}\, A\) is defined by

\begin{equation*} S \cdot T = \{ x \in A \mid \exists y \in A.\, \mathsf{toSet}\, y \subseteq T \land \langle x,y \rangle \in S\} . \end{equation*}
Theorem 5.4

The set \(\mathcal{P}\, A\) with the application as above is a combinatory algebra.